Sunday, March 2, 2025

Depressed over your looks? You too can become radiant and attractive

True beauty lies not in outward appearance but in the kindness, love, and light we share with others. Inner beauty and the way we impact others are what truly make us shine. By shifting our focus from self-pity to selflessness, we can transform ourselves into something truly beloved. 

Thanks for your patience. I hope you like this video. Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Buddha’s fail-proof technique to select the best talent for his mission ...

Lord, the disciple said: Why did you leave each day without speaking to the people? Buddha replied; I was searching for those from 500 who truly deserved my teachings. Each day, the number decreased as people grew impatient and frustrated. 
The 10 of you who stayed demonstrated patience, a thirst for knowledge, and the willingness to wait for the truth. These qualities are essential for understanding and spreading the dhamma.  

Thanks for your patience. I hope you like the video. Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Teaming Up with the Stronger? Think Twice! A story with a powerful life ...

The mouse stood there, horrified. Now I see it! First Top-Off, then Half-Gone, and then— Silence! hissed the cat. One more word, and I’ll eat you too! The terrified mouse whispered, All-Gone...
Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Turn your smallness into strength- Legend of Issun Boshi- ONE-INCH MAN

One of the most iconic examples of turning disability into strength can be found in the Japanese folktale of "Issun-Boshi," or "One-Inch Boy." This tiny hero, no bigger than a finger, sets out on a journey to prove his worth. 

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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How changing your thinking can change your destiny- An inspiring story o...

How changing your thinking can change your destiny- An inspiring story of the WEAVER OF THOUGHTS 

The tapestry of life, will inevitably include both dark and light threads. But it is through the conscious choice to focus on the light—on hope, gratitude, and possibility—that we create a masterpiece worth cherishing.

 Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi

Friday, January 31, 2025

Do you really love yourself? Then don't do this.

If you truly love yourself, you can never hurt others Self-love is not selfishness. It is a bedrock of empathy. You try to understand the feelings of others with reference to your own feelings. When you look upon the flaws of others you introspect and discover that you too have the same kind of flaws.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Man: The Unmatched Beast-a thought provoking Nordic story

Fox: Bruin, but there is one creature far more cunning than us—man. Follow me, and I’ll introduce you to a man. Bear: I don’t ever want to see him again! I’ll carry these scars for the rest of my life. Fox; I told you, Bruin. Man is more than a match for us.

 Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi


Monday, January 20, 2025

Buddha tells 5 causes of weight gain and a recipe for weight loss

 And the Blessed One said: "The worldling nourishes his body, but the wise man nourishes his mind. He who indulges in the satisfaction of his appetites works his own destruction; but he who walks in the path will have both the salvation from evil and a prolongation of life." 

Please subscribe to my channel. Thanks. Raj Rishi 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Imbibe this mantra and you will become master of your destiny-a powerful...

Buddha's Final Words to Ananda and Mendicants Before Passing Away. 
Ananda, be you lamps to yourselves. Rely on yourselves, and do not rely on external help. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp. Seek salvation alone in the truth. Look not for assistance to any one besides yourselves.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Zen Master Ryokan, the Great Fool whose presence itself was transformative

Ryokan stayed with us for a couple of days. A peaceful atmosphere filled our house, and everyone became harmonious. As soon as I started talking with him, I realized that my heart had become pure. He did not explain Zen or other Buddhist scriptures, nor did he encourage wholesome actions. He taught others only by his presence. 

 Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi 


Friday, January 3, 2025

Zen Master Sengai Gibon: One of the most loved and eccentric figures in ...

Three thousand years since Shakyamuni passed on
 And Maitreya isn’t due for another billion or more. 
The sentient beings of earth haven’t a clue 
That their nostrils are hanging right over their lips!

Please subscribe to my channel. Thanks. Raj Rishi

Monday, December 30, 2024

How Bodhidharma used martial arts skills for teaching mindful meditation?

By integrating Buddhist principles into martial arts, Bodhidharma elevated these practices into a spiritual discipline. Shaolin Kung Fu became a method for cultivating not just strength and agility, but also peace of mind and self-awareness.
 Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Zen seeker Huike who literally gave his arm to prove his intention

Bodhidharma asks Huike: “What is it you have come for?” Huike: My heart is not at peace; please pacify my heart.” Bodhidharma: Show me this heart and I will pacify it for you.
Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi


Thursday, December 19, 2024

A peek into the life of quirky Zen Master Taigu, the Great Fool

Dust and dirt: the squabbling over right and wrong, Loss and gain. 
As night wears on, the rain lets up Tears without end line my cheeks.
Please subscribe to my channel. Thanks. Raj Rishi


Friday, December 13, 2024

Juggler’s Pole: Buddha’s Teachings on Self-Protective Skills

The secret of playing life’s precarious games as well as performing jugglers’ acrobatic feats safely and successfully is the same. You need to master self-protective skills which can only be acquired through mindfulness meditation. Remember: You can protect others only if you can first protect yourself.


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Fear of Death: A practicable Zen solution to live and work peacefully

Death is inevitable reality and so is its fear which hampers our peaceful living. Zen provides a very practicable solution to overcome it by changing just our mindset.
 Please subscribe to my channel. Thanks. Raj Rishi


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Japanese nun Ryonen denied discipleship because of her beauty

The parallels between Ryonen’s story and the teachings of Jesus are disturbing. Speaking of the reign of God in the heart of a disciple, Jesus warns us against anything that might be a barrier to that discipleship. “If your eye keeps you from the reign of God,” he says, “pluck it out.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Why Ananda is regarded the most loved figure in Buddhism

Ananda was known as Buddha’s "beloved disciple". He served Buddha for 25 years and accompanied him like his shadow. Such was his love for his Master that when Buddha became ill, Ananda had a sympathetic illness.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

How Japanese Zen Master Taigu- the Great Fool- rescued prostitutes

It should be intriguing that the spiritually elevated and revered Zen masters in Japan loved to be awarded the title of the Great Fool. A fool does not know the tricks that “the wise people” employ to have their way. A fool is simple and pure at heart- impervious to the “ways of the world”.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Zen at its best-Story of Zen master Hakuin Ekaku’s-Is that so

Truly realized and accomplished Zen masters are living embodiments of a kind of primeval innocence, compassion and simplicity. Always ready only to give, they remain impervious to praise and criticism, gain and loss. Their naivete, so to say, leaves the common people so puzzled that they can’t believe such people also exist. 
Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi

Friday, October 18, 2024

Was Buddha poisoned to death? His last meal and hours before death

It is true that the Buddha was served poisoned meal by his poor, loving and grateful host, which Buddha ate and bestowed his love and blessings-the kind that Blessed one alone could do-an act too deep for tears. 
Please support me by subscribing to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi

Sunday, October 13, 2024

How Buddha faced his deadliest enemy

Buddha’s deadliest enemy Buddha had several enemies among various castes, creeds and communities who bore ill-will against him and wanted even to kill him. The most known enemy of the Buddha was, however, Devadatta. 
Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi

Sunday, October 6, 2024

How to be a truly simple person with no worries-a zen story

A simple person is not one who possesses nothing, a simple person is one who has no possessiveness. You may not have any possessions yet you may be possessive. The opposite of this is also true. Non-possessiveness can exist with all kinds of possessions. One can live in the palace and yet be totally free of it. 
Thanks for your patience. Please subscribe to my channel. Raj Rishi

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

When miracles take you un-awares? A transformative Buddhist story

We all have wishes and dreams, and when they refuse to be realized, we wish for some miracle to happen to materialize them. The truth is that miracles do not happen at our will and pleasure. But sometimes miracles do happen even when we never think of them, much less want or expect them and then…. 
Please subscribe to my channel. Thank you. Raj Rishi

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ananda’s tryst with women

Monk Ananda was known for his princely grace, kindness and gentleness. His virtues, sometimes, caused trouble for him when dealing with some women in that they felt attracted to him. 
Please subscribe to my channel. Thanks. Raj Rishi

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The only ONE cause of all our problems- Buddha pin-points in this fascin...

We all have problems that cause us suffering. How to tackle the hardships and become immune to pain. Pain is inevitable. It is an integral part of the human condition. Your capacity to handle suffering determines where you get in life. How do you want to live? 
In this interesting story, Buddha pinpoints the root cause of human suffering. 
revelation is, indeed, shocking.
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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Anger, the dangerous beast- 4 Stoic life-lessons to manage your anger I ...

How to keep a cool head and a wise mind when people and situations get the better of you? 

You must understand that when you vent out your anger, you are, in fact, feeding it further. Venting out anger actually increases a person’s agitation.

 Pondering over these four lessons from the top-ranking Stoic philosophers will surely help you to walk into the direction of emotional discipline and getting on harmoniously with those you interact. 

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fear, a paralyzing affliction- Story reveals Buddha’s unfailing remedy f...

 Fear is a kind of omnipresent affliction. It can paralyze almost anybody in one situation or another, howsoever intrepid the person may be. In this story, Buddha reveals the ultimate secret to remain fearless in any situation including death.

 Buddha’s lesson and his disciple’s example of being fearless should help everyone of us to fight fear.

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

God does answer our prayers but we often fail to notice it – an eye-open...

People, often, pray to God for help when they themselves in acute trouble with all avenues for salvation closed. Most are, however, disappointed, when the help doesn’t arrive. Does it mean God doesn’t listen to their prayers? Not exactly. God sends them help, but they, probably, do not notice it. 

The reason being they have their pre-conceived notions of how and in what forms the assistance would manifest. Quite often, the help is at hand, but they don’t pay heed to it. 

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