Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How learning to discover your true potential can radically transform your life in a way you never thought was possible


 Feeling lonely can be like having a kind of hollowness inside your heart which makes you feel down. 

 You might try to hide it, avoid it, or be around others to push it away.

  But being yourself is different.

 It means finding happiness in your own presence, enjoying your own company. 

Maybe you've been wondering why you've been feeling so alone recently.

 It could be that you had disagreements with close friends or you've lost touch with your family.

It's not that you dislike them now, but you don't really feel like being around anyone.

 Remember, it's alright not to have people around all the time.

 Especially when facing a challenge or embarking on a journey, spending time alone is valuable. 

It's a chance to reflect and understand yourself better.

It takes bravery to be alone, and not many have truly explored their inner selves. 

It's easy to underestimate the significance of being alone.

 Many fear it and try to always be with others or distracted.

 But being on your own can be a powerful and transformative experience.

Now, how to go about it?

 When you're alone, give this meditation a try.

Begin with a few deep breaths to relax.

 Then breathe naturally, paying attention to how your breath enters and leaves your body.   

Feel the rise and fall of your belly or the air moving through your nose.

 Thoughts and distractions might pop up.

Don't worry about them.

  Just acknowledge and gently return your focus to your breath.

 Stay present in the moment, observing each breath without trying to change it.

  It's normal for your mind to wander.

  When thoughts come up, let them go and return to your breath.

  If you get frustrated, don't stress.

 It's part of the process.

Think of your thoughts as clouds drifting by in the sky—watch them without getting attached. 

 Start with short sessions, like 5 to 10 minutes, and increase the time as you get comfortable. 

If it helps, set a timer to stay on track.

 When you're done, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

Notice how you feel after the practice.

Why do this meditation?

 It's simple.

Meditation can change negative feelings into positive ones.

  It can turn sadness into happiness.

When you discover the joy of being with yourself and enjoying solitude, you can get excited about your journey. 

Each moment becomes more remarkable and surprising, and your happiness grows stronger. 

 You might think you've reached your limits, but there's always more to uncover. 

 As you connect with your true self, your interactions with others change.

You become more loving, caring, peaceful, and kind.

 Negative things like always wanting more, getting angry, feeling jealous, or being overly possessive start to matter less.  

 It's like flowers blooming, a cheerful song, and a joyful dance in your life. 

  Delving deep into yourself brings valuable insights.

 Knowing yourself is like knowing everything.

 The core of you is called the Supreme Self.

 It's different from your ego-driven side.

 Your ego fades, but you remain—just in a new way.

Without ego.

 That's what the Supreme Self means—experiencing your true self fully.

 Many of the beliefs and thoughts you have aren't really yours.

 Society, friends, and family shape your thinking.

 Being alone helps you see this and question why you think as you do.

You're not meant to blindly follow others.

You have the potential to be a leader.

 Sadly, your upbringing might have held you back from realizing this.

 Being alone lets you explore your inner self.

 It’s crucial for personal growth.

 When you're on your own, you have to tackle problems and find solutions yourself.

 It can be tough, involving dealing with past traumas and changing your mindset.

But the universe has given you this opportunity to shape the life you desire by making you be alone. 

 Remember, change is needed to become the person you aspire to be.

 For a fresh start, you need a new environment, new beliefs, new ways of thinking, and new perspectives.

 These changes might feel uncomfortable, but they're happening for your good, bringing you closer to your desired future.

Being alone during this time can also help you take back your spiritual energy.   

 Sometimes, we unknowingly give our energy away to others, to toxic people, who, can drain us, leaving us empty and unworthy.

Being alone gives us the chance to reclaim our energy and break free from unhealthy ties with people who might have taken advantage, even friends or family. 

Many spiritual individuals grow up thinking they must give their energy away to be accepted.  

This can lead to people-pleasing and being overly empathetic.

  However, once we reclaim and manage our energy, we become incredibly powerful.

Throughout history, seekers have sought solitude to face themselves. It's easier to do this alone, as relationships can complicate things when their issues are present.

Your true nature is one of solitude, but the habit of being in a crowd is strong, and you might not even notice it.

 Fear of being alone arises from not knowing who you are.

 If everyone were to leave, the opinions and perceptions of others that shape your identity would remain. 

 Even when you're physically alone, you can discover a profound connection that transforms your life. 

 Through this process, you'll connect with your true self and realize that you don't need anyone else to feel complete.    

The emotions and feelings you once sought from others are already within you.  

 You are loved, and validation from others isn't necessary.

Your happiness and contentment will come from within.

 Standing alone, you'll uncover the incredible power to make your desires reality.

This knowledge emerges during the darkest times of solitude.  Instead of questioning why you're going through this alone, embrace the chance to create the life you desire.   

Pain and solitude are blessings that mould you into a stronger, more conscious person.  

 Don't give up on yourself. Everything is falling into place, and you will be alright.

 Please leave your comments and subscribe and share this video with your friends and relatives.

Thank you. 

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