Most people don’t know that, before Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs died, he told Walter Isaacson he had regrets about not starting chemo sooner. What held him back is he had a fear of surgery. Getting cut open felt worse than losing a billion dollars.
What’s more bizarre is Steve had the type of cancer that’s
easily curable. The bottom line is Steve’s fear of needles and surgical knives
cost him his life. If only he could overcome his fear!
He’d beaten much bigger fears before.
This is what happens when you mismanage fear. It creeps up
on you and can even cause death.
But the moment you stop living in fear is the moment you
come alive. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.
Fear of failure, fear of rejection or fear that we’re just
not enough – fear is a common current that runs through all of our lives. And
if we let it, fear can keep us locked up in the prison of the comfortable and
predictable, which prevents us from reaching our true potential. Living in fear
causes a double conundrum where you’re unfulfilled with the status quo yet
afraid to pursue anything better.
With chronic fear, you’re not experiencing anxiety – you’re
living in it. The fear response becomes a maladaptive lifestyle, influencing
everything you think, feel and do. Fear keeps you stuck in a self-perpetuating
cycle of defeat and frustration. The upside to fear is that the emotions
surrounding it are usually so unpleasant that they drive you to find another
Don’t let fear control you. There are many strategies for
how to stop living in fear, from self-care to exercise to seeking professional
help. When you commit to facing your fears, you’re able to discover strategies
to overcome them and find peace.
If you’re living in fear, your anxieties have escalated to
the point that they’re running the show. You’re thinking about your worries
constantly without much mindfulness as to what’s behind them. To stop living in
fear, you must pinpoint what’s causing your distress.
Get out a piece of paper and brainstorm a list. When you’re
finished, circle the items that are tangible concerns – fears that your house
will burn down, your kids will go missing or you’ll lose your job tomorrow.
Start giving yourself a sense of control by writing a few actions you can take
to prevent these things from happening. Also recognize the intangible concerns
– fears of the apocalypse, alien invasion from Mars or worldwide economic
collapse. You’ll see that these have very little chance of happening – but
you’ll also see that these fears often have deeper roots. If your fears fall
into this category, you’ll need to do some self-reflection to discover how to
stop living in fear.
“Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you,” as Tony
Robbins says. Truly understanding and accepting this concept is the first step
to fulfillment. When you put an end to the blame game and start becoming the
master of your own destiny, endless possibilities open up to you. And when you
see the world as a place of opportunity, not obstacles, you don’t let fear
control you.
The reason for determining the source of your anxiety isn’t
to give you an excuse to keep living in fear. It’s to help you assert power
over those fears so that they no longer control you. Once you identify the
source, you can change your story – and change your mindset. The first step is
recognizing that you have a choice. You can blame outside forces for your
emotions and continue to feel out of control. Or you can take charge of your
life and learn how to stop living in fear.
Like blame, excuses are a defense mechanism we use to avoid
facing our problems. It’s easy to push our hopes, desires and dreams aside when
we have excuses: There’s just not enough time, I don’t have the money or the
resources, I have a family, I’m too busy. And we start to hide behind those
excuses instead of taking action to move forward.
Excuses are comforting when we’re living in fear. They’re
safe. But excuses will also bring you back to exactly where you started.
Remember that the next time an excuse floats into your mind. Are you truly
where you want to be in life? Or are you falling back on fear and choosing to
be comfortable instead of facing a challenge? By becoming more cognizant of
your brain’s proclivity for using excuses so you won’t be held accountable, the
better you will become at dismissing them.
In your mind, if you have no choice but to succeed – if
achieving your goal is an absolute must – then nothing else matters. Sacrifices
won’t even be a question. Excuses go out the window. You’ll do whatever it
takes to make it happen. Period.
Even the most successful people feel like they’re living in
fear sometimes. The difference is that rather than allowing fear to creep in
and suck the life right out of their dreams, they know that the price they will
pay if they don’t give their goals and visions every ounce of energy and focus
they have is far scarier. They know the real fear is living a life where they
have settled or compromised what they really wanted. How do you adopt that
mindset and perspective?
Imagine yourself at 80 years old, nearing the end of your
life. You are sitting in your rocking chair, reflecting on how you lived your
life. Now, look back on your life as if you had not achieved the goal you are
after at this moment. How has this affected the course of your life? What are your
regrets? What do you wish you had made more time for? What do you wish you had
attempted? Is there sadness and regret? Are you wondering, “What if. . .?” In
this way, you can use fear to propel you toward your ultimate goal.
People often give up on what they want because they believe
that reaching their goal is beyond their abilities. They continue living in
fear and settle into their lives, thinking that their goal is unattainable so
they don’t even bother. But the most successful people foster a growth mindset.
They don’t think of their abilities as fixed, but rather as flexible. And when
faced with a setback, they work harder. They adopt a new strategy. They keep
seeking a solution. They don’t give up when things become challenging. Instead,
they find new ways to adapt and work harder to achieve their goals.
There isn’t one successful person in the world who hasn’t
had to overcome major obstacles. The most painful experiences can help refine
what you want and what you don’t want in life. Failure, disappointment,
dead-ends – these can all be used as a means of reflecting and saying, “This
didn’t work. It wasn’t the right fit. So what do I really want?”
Remember, we are built to adapt. So embrace your inner
strength and use each experience as a tool to help you learn more about
yourself and what you really must have in life. When you’re facing a painful
experience or feel ready to give into fear, picture someone you admire who
faced adversity – they wouldn’t have achieved the success they now have without
learning how to stop living in fear.
Mastering your emotions and changing your mindset is
psychological – but would you be surprised to learn that the psychological is
also physical? Next time you feel like you’re living in fear, change your
posture and adopt a “power pose.” It can make you feel more confident and less
Other self-care habits have an effect on your state as well.
Physical activity is proven to reduce depression and anxiety, so next time you
feel fear coming on, get out and go for a walk, practice yoga or take a bike
ride. Mindfulness meditation is also proven to combat anxiety and depression
and even lower blood pressure. Eliminating caffeine and alcohol from your diet
is another self-care tip that’s essential to lowering anxious feelings. When
you combine physical and psychological self-care, you have the recipe for how
to stop living in fear.
Fear cannot coexist with positive emotions. You cannot feel
both scared and joyful, or afraid and peaceful. You can’t feel fear and
gratitude at the same time, either – but you can replace one with the other.
When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. You shift your
focus from the negative to the positive. Where focus goes, energy flows, so
when you change your mindset in this way, you find that you naturally bring
more positivity – and less fear – into your life.
Adopting an abundance mindset is key to unlocking how to
stop living in fear. You can do this by keeping a gratitude journal, practicing
priming or meditation, using visualization, coming up with empowering
incantations and more. Next time you’re anxious or afraid, you’ll have a
powerful toolbox that you can access to overcome those emotions.
When we’re living in fear, we’re often also living in either
the past or the future. We let our past mistakes haunt us and affect our future
decisions. We live in so much fear of what could happen that we forget to enjoy
what is happening. As Tony tells us, “The past does not equal the future unless
you live there.”
In today’s super-connected world, it’s easier than ever to
live in the past – reconnecting with toxic people and reminiscing about old
relationships. When surfing the Internet, it’s easy to get caught in
fantasizing about your next relationship or vacation plans that will never
Stop missing your life. Put your phone down. Step away from
the computer. Take up a new sport or game. Meet people in the here and now.
Start living instead of worrying.
After all this work, you still need to accept one truth: You
will fail. It’s just part of the process. Any successful person will tell you
that. Failure provides insights and inherently corrects the faulty ways of
approaching a problem. There is no teacher as impactful as the sting of failure
and no lesson in resilience better than the burn of rejection. If you use these
experiences as unique information, and adjust your strategy and approach the
next time around, you will have an advantage that no one else does. With the
right mindset you can change your story and say goodbye to living in fear.
If you’re ready to learn how to stop living in fear, you
have to decide that your dreams are more important than your fear of failure.
Make the decision today to master your fears and start existing as the most
joyful, successful version of yourself possible.
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